How to register a domain name If you have stumbled upon this guide you are most likely asking yourself, “how do I register a domain name?”... Tagged: Domain Names
How to use the DNS Snapshot tool This guide will show LCN customers how to use the DNS snapshot tool. This feature allows LCN customers to restore... Tagged: Domain Names
Why has my domain transfer failed? This guide is intended to explain the potential reasons a domain transfer failed. For LCN customers transferring domain names into,... Tagged: Domain Names
Domain ownership disputes Domain names have become a valuable commodity that individuals and businesses want to protect. The right to use a domain... Tagged: Domain Names
How to use DNS Templates This guide will show LCN customers how to use DNS Templates. The templates will allow you to easily point your... Tagged: Domain Names
How to transfer your domain names to LCN This guide will explain how to transfer your domain name to LCN. Moving your domain is simple and by transferring it... Tagged: Domain Names
How to transfer domains between LCN accounts This guide will explain how to transfer domains from your account to another LCN user account. If you need to... Tagged: Domain Names
Why are the DNS changes not showing on my updated domains? All Internet hosts, including your computer when it is connected to the Internet, use a DNS server. Every time you... Tagged: Domain Names
What is DNS? If you’re here I’m sure your are wondering “what is DNS?” Well, all the computers connected to the internet are... Tagged: Domain Names
How to validate your .uk domain’s contact details This guide will help you make sure your domain’s contact details are valid for your .uk (Nominet) domain names and show... Tagged: Domain Names