How to use LCN Webmail Webmail is a free service that we offer to all customers on our latest hosting platform to access their email, anywhere... Tagged: Email Hosting
How to add a signature in Webmail Adding a signature using our webmail is super-easy; you can even add your company logo to give it a professional... Tagged: Email Hosting
Phishing Emails Explained Phishing is a form of scam, tricking their victims into revealing sensitive information such as Bank Details. A lot of... Tagged: AccountAccount ManagementEmailPhishingScamsecurity
How to Activate Email Now you have your domain name, your next step might be to get an email address to connect to it.... Tagged: EmailEmail HostingWeb Hosting, Email Hosting
How to Upgrade your Services If you have had your services with us for a long time, there may be a point in time where... Tagged: AccountEmail HostingOnline Control PanelWeb Hosting
How can I add LiteMail to my domain? Getting Started This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your new email address. In order to...
How to activate Authenticated SMTP What is Authenticated SMTP? Authenticated SMTP allows you to send emails from any compatible device or application using our outgoing mail server. Once SMTP is activated you will be... Tagged: Email Hosting
How to Fix Issues with Sending Email (SMTP) Suddenly being unable to send emails can be a pain and can be caused by many different factors. Depending on... Tagged: Email Hosting
How to archive IMAP messages in Outlook 2019 If your IMAP mailbox is full or is approaching the disk usage limit for your account, you may need to... Tagged: Email Hosting
What to do if your email address is being spoofed This guide will explain how to respond if your email is being spoofed for customers using LCN web hosting, WordPress hosting, Email hosting or... Tagged: Email Hosting