Quick actionable tips to selling online

Let’s start with a question…

When you’re thinking of buying something, do you go to your local shopping centre, or do you search online?

For many of us, online is now our default shopping method. For one – it’s far less hassle; there’s no need to worry about where to park, or how much it will cost you, not to mention the risk of spending ages sitting in traffic!

It’s no surprise that more and more of us are embracing the ease of eCommerce. In fact, research conducted by the International Trade Administration shows that Internet shopping is more popular in the UK than anywhere else. It accounts for over 30% of our total retail market and, in 2022, online sales saw their highest ever online growth.

It’s pretty clear that if you’re a retailer and you don’t have an online shop then you’re missing a trick. Yet there’s a lot to consider – a poorly designed eCommerce website can be ineffective and off-putting. To really take advantage of the shift online you’re going to need to make sure you stand out from the competition.

Here are our tips on how to make the most out of selling online.

Product pictures

Would you buy something without being able to see it? Of course you wouldn’t. You should make sure you have high quality imagery of the products you’re selling. The manufacturers would probably be able to supply some but, if not, you may have to create your own.

If you do take your own photos then you should make sure they’re high resolution, able to be zoomed in without any loss of detail. The product should be in the centre of the image, with nothing else visible that may distract the viewers’ attention. Depending on what it is, you may also want to take a number of photos from various different angles, so potential purchasers can fully inspect the merchandise.

Product descriptions

When it comes to listing products for sale, providing a detailed description is absolutely crucial. Not only does it give potential customers all the information they need to make an informed decision, but it also provides protection for you as the seller in case of any future disputes.

In addition to including the basic details like dimensions and condition, it’s important to go the extra mile and provide a comprehensive description that highlights the unique features and benefits of the product. This allows customers to easily envision how the item can meet their specific needs and preferences.

For instance, if you’re selling a piece of clothing, be sure to describe the fabric, the fit, and any special design elements that make it stand out. If it’s a technological gadget, explain its functionality, compatibility with other devices, and any additional accessories included. The ultimate goal is to create a clear and vivid picture of what the product offers and why it outshines similar options on the market.

Always keep in mind that a well-crafted and detailed product description not only helps customers make confident purchasing decisions but also enhances your credibility as a seller. So take the time to write compelling descriptions that truly showcase the value of your products and leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Product categories

If you have a diverse range of products, it’s important to organise them into categories to enhance the browsing experience for your customers. For example, if you specialise in children’s toys, you can create categories like “Lego,” “Dolls,” “Action Figures,” “Board Games,” and “Electronic Toys.” This not only makes it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for but also allows those who are unsure of what they want to browse your collection effortlessly.

By categorising your products, you streamline the shopping process and make it more convenient for your customers. When they visit your online store, they can navigate directly to the category they’re interested in, saving them time and effort. Additionally, clear and distinct categories make it easier for customers to explore different options within a specific type of product.

For instance, if a customer is searching for a doll, they can simply click on the “Dolls” category and explore a wide range of options, such as baby dolls, fashion dolls, or collectible dolls. This not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of customers discovering products they may not have initially considered.

When creating your categories, it’s important to strike a balance between specificity and simplicity. Having too many categories can overwhelm customers and make it difficult for them to navigate your online store. On the other hand, having too few categories may make it challenging for customers to find what they’re looking for. Take the time to carefully consider your product range and create categories that are intuitive and user-friendly.

Payment methods

The way we make payments for our purchases has changed a lot in recent years. No longer are card payments the only option for online shopping. Thanks to the emergence of payment platforms like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, consumers now have a wide range of choices when it comes to paying online.

These alternative payment methods offer a level of convenience that is highly appealing to consumers. They no longer have to enter card details for every purchase. Instead, customers can simply use their preferred payment platform, which securely stores their payment information for quick and hassle-free transactions.

By offering multiple payment options on your online shop, you can cater to a broader audience. Enabling popular payment platforms such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal allows you to tap into the growing number of consumers who prefer these convenient and secure payment methods. This enhances the shopping experience for your customers and also increases the likelihood of completing a sale.

It’s important to note, however, that each payment method comes with its own merchant transaction fee. Before enabling any payment option, it’s crucial to familiarise yourself with the associated fees and ensure that you are comfortable with them. While providing more choice is undoubtedly beneficial for your customers, it’s essential to strike a balance between offering a seamless payment experience and managing the financial implications for your business.

Delivery methods

Delivery options play an important role in the success of an online store. Offering free delivery is always an enticing incentive for shoppers to make a purchase. However, as a retailer, it’s important to carefully consider the costs associated with providing free delivery. Depending on the charges from your courier, you may only be able to offer free delivery on orders above a certain value. This not only encourages customers to add more items to their cart to reach the minimum threshold but also boosts the overall value of each transaction.

In addition to free delivery, try to offer a variety of delivery options to cater to the diverse preferences of your customers. Some shoppers may be willing to pay a little extra for faster shipping, while others may prioritise affordability and be patient for their items. By providing a reasonably priced three-day delivery option, you strike a balance between speed and cost-effectiveness.

Consider offering a more expedited next-day delivery service for customers who require urgent delivery. The key is to choose courier services that provide a diverse selection of delivery options at reasonable prices. This not only gives customers the freedom to choose the option that best suits their needs but also enhances their overall shopping experience by providing flexibility and convenience.

Remember, while everyone appreciates the convenience of free delivery, consumers also value having choices when it comes to delivery speed and cost. By finding the right balance and offering a range of delivery options, you can provide a seamless and satisfying shopping experience for your customers.

Mobile ready website

With smartphones being readily available and widely used, it’s crucial for retailers to ensure that their online shops are optimized for mobile devices. According to data provided by Statista, a staggering 68% of all online purchases in 2022 were made on smartphones.

This statistic highlights the immense importance of catering to mobile users and providing them with a seamless shopping experience. No one wants to struggle with zooming in on tiny text or endlessly scrolling left and right to view all the details of a product. A mobile-optimised website automatically adjusts to fit the smaller screen, allowing customers to effortlessly navigate through your online store and enjoy a pleasant shopping experience.

By optimising your online shop for mobile devices, you not only enhance the usability of your website but also increase the chances of converting mobile visitors into paying customers. With the majority of online purchases happening on smartphones, it’s essential to prioritise mobile responsiveness to stay competitive in the market.

Create your eCommerce website today

The great news is that our eCommerce website builder makes it incredibly easy to implement all of these suggestions. You’ll enjoy the convenience of a drag-and-drop editor, along with customisable templates that are fully optimised for mobile devices. Plus, our platform includes customisable product pages and a fantastic selection of popular payment providers.

Or perhaps you opt for WordPress, the world’s most popular website management software? There are a number of plugins for it that are specifically designed for setting up online shops. We’ve always liked WooCommerce, as it’s so easy to use and has loads of possible options, but others are available as well.

If you have any further queries about creating an eCommerce website please give us a call on 0345 363 3637 or create an enquiry through your online Account.

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Written by

Nathan Preedy

Nathan has been with team.blue since 2005 and has a background in Technical Support. He is passionate about helping customers find the best product for them and use it to its full potential.