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How to add domains in Plesk

This guide will explain how to add domains to Plesk using either the Power-user or Service-provider interfaces.

Power User interface

Follow these steps to add a domain to Plesk for servers using the Power-user interface:

  1. Open the websites and domains menu from the left column of the Plesk panel.
  2. Select the add domain button
  3. On the following page, you will be prompted to enter the domain name into the blank field alongside www.
  4. Select a location for the websites files – you can leave the default option selected to ‘create a new webspace’ or select to add the domain within an existing web-space on the server.
  5. Enter a username and password, you can select ‘generate’ to automatically generate a strong password. If you have entered your own password, this will need to be re-entered into the ‘repeat password’ field. These details will be used for FTP or SSH access to the domain being added.
  6. Optional settings – you can select to enable a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and enable Git support for the domain at this stage by ticking these options.
  7. Click OK at the bottom of the page to add the domain.

Service Provider interface

Follow these steps to add a domain to Plesk for servers using the Service-provider interface:

  1. Open the domains menu from the left column of the Plesk panel.
  2. Click the add domain button on the domains page.
  3. Enter the domain name into the blank field alongside ‘www’.
  4. If you want to assign the domain to a customer, tick the option for this below the domain name. Creating a customer account for the domain will set up login credentials that can be used to access a customer panel to manage this domain on the server. This option can be used if you need to allow access to a 3rd party to manage the site, without providing full access to your server.
  5. Select a location for the website files – you can select an existing subscription on the server to link this domain to or create a new subscription for the domain. If this is the first domain you are adding to the server, you will need to create a subscription at this point.
  6. Enter a username and password, you can select ‘generate’ to automatically generate a strong password. If you have entered your own password, this will need to be re-entered into the ‘repeat password’ field. These details will be used for FTP or SSH access to the domain being added.
  7. Optional settings – you can select to enable a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and enable Git support for the domain at this stage by ticking these options.
  8. Click OK at the bottom of the page to add the domain.

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